the Church of Saint Mark

"And behold, I am with you always, until the end of this age"
Matthew 28:20
We want to walk with you as you journey towards Christ. One way we accompany one another is through the Church's sacraments, which "touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith" (CCC, 1210). No matter where you are in your walk of faith, God is waiting to work powerfully in your life!
Join us for weekly Mass, Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration:
SATURDAY | 3:30-4:30PM
SUNDAY | 8:30AM, 10:30AM
MON. 10:30 AM - SAT. 8 AM
Pastoral Emergency Line: (651) 354-9411


Congratulations! We are honored that you wish to celebrate this joyous occasion with our parish family. Please find below pertinent information, frequently asked questions, and registration regarding infant baptism. We kindly ask that you register at least one month before the desired baptism date.
If you have a child to be Baptized who has reached the age of reason (Grade 2 or 7 years) or a child already Baptized in another Christian faith, please contact for more information.
If you are an adult looking to be baptized into the Catholic Church? Sign up for RCIA today!

Jesus once said to Mother Teresa in prayer, "When you give Me your sins, you give Me the joy of being your Savior. There is nothing I cannot forgive and heal; so come now, and unburden your soul." When we go to confession, we place our sins and our wounds into the purifying fire of the Heart of Jesus. Far from being a place of judgment and accusation, the confessional is intended to be a place of comfort, healing, and love.
Confessions are available Tuesday - Friday from 9:30 - 10:00 AM, on Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, and one half hour before each Sunday Mass.

The word Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning "thanksgiving." The Celebration of the Mass is the best way that we can give thanks for the sacrifice that Christ made on the Cross, laying down His life for us. When we receive the Eucharist we are receiving Jesus (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity) truly and substantially present under the signs of bread and wine. This intimate contact transforms our souls and gives us strength to carry out God's will in our lives. It is truly "the source and summit of our faith."
Register your child for First Holy Communion by clicking the link below.

Confirmation represents a young man or woman's full entrance into the missionary task of the Church. Like on the day of Penetcost, when the disciples received spiritual gifts that empowered them to go out and preach the Gospel, so too our young people are filled with the Holy Spirit at Confirmation so they can bring the Good News to the world.
This sacrament is so much more than a rite of passage; it is a spiritual equipping for life-long discipleship and service to the world.
Confirmation at St Mark’s is normally received in 8th grade, but each year we have a few older students too. All are welcome!


When a man and a woman give themselves to each other in Sacramental Marriage, they bind their whole lives together by a special grace, which enables them to love one another---fully, freely, faithfully, and fruitfully---as long as they both shall live. Today more than ever, the world needs witnesses of God’s unconditional love for His Church and Holy families to share His love with all those they encounter.
To inquire about marriage preparation at St. Mark’s please complete the inquiry form below. Be sure to read our "Marriage Guidelines" as you begin this process--this document covers most of what you'll need to know. Please contact Fr. Patrick Evans if you have any questions.

Though all are called to the universal vocation of holiness, each person is called to his or her own unique vocation through the power of the Holy Spirit, whether that call is to marriage, priesthood, religious life, or consecrated virginity. Just as He called the first disciples on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, so He continues to call particular individuals to follow Him in a unique way by forgoing the goods of marriage and devoting themselves to prayer and service of His Church.
Do you feel you may be called to the priesthood or religious life? Are you discerning your vocation and looking for direction? Contact the parish office and schedule a meeting with Fr. Humberto or one of the brothers or sisters of PES.

The Anointing of the Sick is when the Church commends to the Lord the faithful in need of strength to overcome the difficulty of their serious illness or advanced age. It helps them unite their sufferings to the passion of Christ and provides peace for the individual.
“The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death.” (CCC 1514) Please contact the Parish Center to request Anointing of the Sick if you or your loved one is seriously ill, advanced in age, preparing for a serious surgery, or in danger of death due to illness. We will schedule the sacrament ASAP with one of our priests.
A Christian’s life begins with the waters of Baptism and they are strengthened at the Eucharistic table. When a Christian dies, the Church gathers in hope of the promised eternal life and is called to intercede for the deceased by offering a funeral Mass and proper burial. In the funeral Mass the Church prays that the Lord will mercifully welcome the soul of deceased into eternal life and we do this by uniting our prayers to the most perfect prayer of Jesus at the sacrifice of the Mass. If you would like to schedule a funeral, pre-plan your funeral at St. Marks’, or learn more please contact us.
The Church, being the family of God, is also called to comfort our members who are mourning. The Lord mercifully provides us with community in times of great suffering and we are here to walk this journey with you. If you are in need of grief resources or pastoral care please contact Fr. Patrick.
For funeral fees, see the payment page here.