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St. Antonius Food Drive (April 27 - May 5)

Writer: CSM WebmasterCSM Webmaster

Charitable service to those in need is central to our lives as Christian and to the mission of our parish. The St. Mark’s Human Dignity is hosting a food drive over the next week (April 27 - May 5) in honor of St. Antonius.

St. Antonius: An Example of Generosity

St. Antoninus was born in Florence, Italy, in 1389. He was accepted as a Dominican at age 16. He quickly established himself as an excellent theologian and preacher. When the Bishop of Florence died in 1446, Antoninus was pressed by the pope into becoming the next bishop. As bishop, Antoninus maintained a simple lifestyle. He was known as a strong defender of the poor and never failed to empty the episcopal storehouse in time of famine. It was not unheard of for him to sell even his own furniture to raise money in times of dire need. During an outbreak of plague, he was a leader in his example of caring for the sick.

Inspired by the example of St. Antoninus, who was never too busy to assist those in need or listen to their pleas for aid, we are asked to be generous in bringing items to the upcoming food drive.

Food Shelf Alms

The Church of St. Mark is continually collecting food shelf alms. You can place items in the basket at the back of the church at any time. Children are also invited to place items in the basket at the altar rail while ushers are taking up the collection during Mass. We bring the alms to Keystone Community Services at 1916 University Ave (near Prior Avenue). Keystone food shelves and family support programs relieve immediate stress for low-income families and help them build a more stable and resilient foundation for the future. Keystone offers emergency food support at three food shelf locations, the Foodmobile (a mobile distribution vehicle), and via Farmer’s Market produce distributions during the harvest season.

Most Needed Food Items:

Canned meat products (tuna, stew, chili, etc.); Rice Rice noodles; Fish sauce; Macaroni and cheese; Canned soup; Canned fruit; 100% fruit juice; Low sugar cereal; Condiments; Cooking oil; Baking mixes; Peanut Butter; Herbs and spices; Baby food

Most Needed Personal Care Items:

Bar soap; Shampoo; Deodorant; Toothbrush; Toilet paper; Paper products; Diapers


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