It's snow-bodies' business! While we're not flush with maintenance staff, we are flush with generous, industrious parishioners.
If/when there's a fairly inconveniencing snow fall, could you be on the short list of helpers to unbury the campus?! Further, can you make a good-faith commitment, just for this short season, to help clear the snow?
You'd be helping people get to the sacraments! And getting some fresh air and exercise!
Here's the quick and clean:
1) Sign up for a day of the week you can help.
2) If it snows over 1/2 an inch(?), come out to help.
3) Bring your own shovel(s?)
*) Volunteers must sign a waiver! Feel free to bring your kids, too!
If that all sounds agreeable, then drop a line to Larry Leif, our only Director of Maintenance, at and let him know your availability!
Do you have the courage?
The determination?
The shovel?
(If not, we can see about supplying the latter.)
Regardless, hot beverages will be provided!