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Parish Soiree (RSVP by Oct 28)

Writer: CSM WebmasterCSM Webmaster

School Gym | 7:00 - 10:00 PM

Our pastor wants us all to be there. And as a sign of our unity, we ought heed his summoning!

From the pastor (study his words carefully!):

"You should have got an invitation in the mail ... . The 'Parish Soiree' a.k.a. State of the Parish event is intended to be a lovely evening gathering with your brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Mark’s. All adult parishioners are encouraged to attend. Besides schmoozing and schmingling with your favorite people, the idea behind the evening is to have something of a “family meeting” in which your pastor shares frankly about where our parish is at and where we want to go. We will also kick off our next installment of the 'Rebuild My Church Appeal,' though I promise that the main purpose of the event is not to ask for money (but if we do, you will know why we are!)"


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