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LENT 2025

Here's what's on the horizon for this holy season.

Image by Adrien Olichon

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5th. Mass at 7 AM, 10 AM, and 6 PM. This is an obligatory day of fasting and abstinence for Catholics.

Image by Eric Mok

Lenten Penance Services at Emmaus

Thursdays, March 13 and  April 10, at 7 PM in the Church. Held during our Parish Holy Hour. Prepare your heart for Easter during these evenings of Adoration, Confession, Benediction, and Song.

Friday Soup Suppers & Speaker Series

Soup Suppers begin at 5:30 PM in Carolyn Hall. "Sharing the Good News:  The How, The Why, The Who" our Speaker Series, begins at 6:00 PM.


Our dates and speakers


March 7:

Theology of Evangelization: The Fundamentals of Salvation

Fr. David Hottinger, PES  


March 14:

"10 Great Ways to Share Your Faith"

Dr. Deb McManimon, St. Paul Street Evangelization


March 21:

"Theology of Evangelization: The Mission of Christ & the Church"

Fr. David Hottinger, PES


March 28:

"Evangelization: You CAN Do It (Because Even I Did)"

Parishioner Testimonials


April 4:

"Apologetics Q&A: Responding to Tough Questions"

Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross and Confessions are held in the Church every Friday at 7 PM.


CRS Rice Bowls

This Lent, the greater St. Mark's community is being invited to participate in Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl. Pray and offer sacrifices as families along with the greater St. Mark's family for an outsized way to bring everyone into a more rich and fruitful Lent.


Fish Fry

Friday, April 11 in the School Cafeteria (5:00 - 7:00 PM). Lent is penitential, but that doesn't mean it's joyless. Join your parish family for great food and fellowship.


40 Days for Life

St Mark’s, along with Nativity of Our Lord, is adopting two days of prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood (Mar. 13 and Apr. 07), as ell as a clergy-led hour of prayer (1 PM on Mar. 30) during the Lenten Season as part of the national 40 Days for Life campaign. 


Sign up for an hour here.


The kick-off dinner (Tuesday March 4th, 5:45 - 8:00 PM) will be held at Steiner Hall at Nativity of Our Lord Church. Attend and please lend your support by contacting Karen McCann at 612-964-4522 or email at by March 1st.

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Small Groups During Lent

Our small groups associated with the parish have been asked to be especially ready to welcome new members come Lent! So feel so welcomed (and pastorally nudged as it's desired that EVERY Catholic [adult] in the archdiocese be in a small group)!


Learn more here!

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