2024 June 24:
Note that the Church of Saint Mark is transitioning giving platforms, from Vanco to ParishSOFT! If you have not already made a ParishSOFT giving account, please do so here! To cancel your Vanco account, do so here!
Share your time and talent.
We are all enormously blessed! God has granted each and everyone of us with talents, gifts, and loving hearts. Give back and glorify God through your works by donating and volunteering with Saint Mark's.
By pledging to support St. Mark's, you are ensuring the future of our parish family. Pledge cards can be found in the back of church and the parish office, and can be returned in the collection basket or directly to the parish center. You can find an electronic version of the pledge card here.
To sign up for electronic giving, click here.
To fill out a Time & Talent Pledge, click here.
For more information, contact the parish office.

Dear Father,
We choose to trust You.
To You we commit our lives.
Everything we are, have
and will be is a gift from You.
Create in us hearts and minds filled
with deeper gratitude and an
unwavering trust in You.
Bless our fellowship,
conversation and the work we do.
Guide us according to Your Holy Will.
Draw us closer to You and
closer to one another.
We ask this through
Christ our Lord, Amen.
It is by the generousity of our generous parishioners that the Church of Saint Mark is able to maintain and grow this community that we all love.
Give today and help support our mission!
If the form below does not appear properly in your browser, you can access it here.

Volunteers at St. Mark's who work with children must be VIRTUS certified. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church. VIRTUS live training is a three hour awareness session which better equips adults to protect children and youth in the world around them. Sessions are offered throughout year and at various locations across the archdiocese.