At the Church of St. Mark
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the St. Mary Adoration Chapel on Monday from Monday at 10:30 AM - Saturday at 8:00 AM, with the blessed sacrament reposed during Daily Mass. A Parish-Wide Holy Hour is held each Thursday at 7:00 PM in the Church, except during the summer.
The chapel is in the northeast corner of the church. Use the entrance on Moore Street, closest to the alley.
Please note that for security reasons this door is only accessible via keypad after sunset; contact the Adoration team at for the code.
Help our parish to keep Our Lord company by committing to an hour in His Real Presence! Click Learn More and Sign Up to view the full adoration schedule, including open hours and substitute opportunities. (A new tab will open.)

Confession - Adoration - Benediction
Not held during the summer.
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is blessed with priests who faithfully serve Jesus daily in prayer, sacrifice and service leading people to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The world is increasingly growing in its opposition to the Catholic Church, targeting specifically the priesthood. A spiritual response is essential to fight against these forces. More than ever, it is important to join Mary in front of the Holy Eucharist in prayer for the sanctification of priests. We invite the lay faithful to gather to pray for our priests.
This evening is hosted by the Catholic Advance Movement, the lay movement of Pro Ecclesia Sancta. It is also hosted by the Church of St. Mark Vianney Cenacle, a group affiliated with the Foundation of Prayer for Priests.